Nokia X is already in the market and it has Google less Android running on it. However, it is easy to put Google Apps on a Nokia X. I do not know why would someone with an Android device like to have a Nokia X App store, when they already have the mighty Google Play Store on […]
13 posts
Google is cutting the monthly cost of extra storage for Google Drive today. Users always receive 15GB for free, but they can now jump up to 100GB for $1.99, down from the previous price of $4.99. Perhaps the most appealing option is the 1TB tier, which has fallen from $49.99 each month all the way down […]
Google has been launch their first Nexus 7 talet device that uses NVIDIA Tegra 3 processor, while in 2013 Nexus 7 is coming with new processor, that’s the Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro Quad-core processor. And now, according to foreign news, Google’s new Nexus tablet have to change the their processor with 64-bit core chipset. In the near […]