Pydio Introduces its Virtual Appliance deployment

Pydio is the mature open-source file sharing platform for the enterprise, software providers, and hosters.
This week, Pydio is presenting new easy methods to deploy the software in no-time on your infrastructure.
Pydio-core Virtual AppliancePydio is announcing the release of an official Virtual Appliance of Pydio, packing with all necessary extensions and libraries.

Appliance is in Open Virtual Machine Format (OVF), and was successfully tested on VMWare, Virtual Box and Parallels Desktop. It should work on other platforms, please report back any successes and failures.
Big up to Jochen Oonincx, who contributed that package!

Trusted Build on Docker index

Docker is an an open source project to pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container.
Learn more about Docker on
You can deploy a Pydio container in no-time using the following docker commands:

$ docker search pydio$ docker pull pydio/pydio-core$ docker run -d -p 443:443 pydio/pydio-core

What’s next?

peoples are bringing Pydio tons of ideas to improve their filesharing platform to fit enterprise needs. Pydio is currently focusing on the rewrite of the sync client, the project is moving along nicely.

Due to its modular architecture, Pydio is frequently used as a component of other products/services/hardwares. To expand this capability, client SDK’s are being rewritten from scratch. Check their repositories on GitHub.


Source: Email Circulated by Pydio‘s Lead Develper, Charles


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